
Friday, December 05, 2008

Les Cakes de Bertrand

Not a cake from Bertrand, 5.5" x 7.5
When I was visiting with Susanne,
I spotted this adorable bag hanging on the door.. Like so many things with me, it was instant love :) She showed me the card of the shop where she'd bought the bag...I'd been meaning to visit Les Cakes de Bertrand for ages!!!!
Really!!! They even used to have a tea room there and served cakes...sob!
Well now they serve the most adorable accessories, which if you're having the "Winter Blahs" (and who isn't?) is the next best thing.
And NO calories! Their sign still has a teapot. Please serve tea again cher Bertrand... Their windows are so full of goodies...
But you MUST go in! I bought the little round Eiffel tower box full of pins...
I so need this crazy consol and the pineapple lamp now that I'm dropping IKEA...
And this pink chair + pink pillow!
The pink lamp too...Oh Hell just wrap up EVERYTHING!
Yes even the perfume.
And ALL the bags please.
Chandelier anyone?
They do still sell tea minus the cakes...

The sign over the tea tins is by 18th Century, French writer Jean Jacques Rousseau. "None is happier than the Gourmand"

Nul n'est plus heureux que le gourmand


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Why are you dropping IKEA?

  2. IKEA is sooooooooooo boring
    And NOT French!!!

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    This is always!!

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    OMG, i love those Eiffel towers.
    I recently bought some stamps of the tower^^

  5. oooooh what a charming store. I love everything in it. I got a chuckle over you saying just pack up everything as I thought the same thing. Wow. . . I want that pink lamp with the black shade and, and, and.. well this is where I shrug de shoulders :). Did you get a bag with the picture on it too? I want that little purse bag with the tower on it. yummy post.

  6. I'm with Rousseau! Pink chair and pillow please... and cake and tea...yes, send them all to me.


  7. I am with you!! Love the pink chair and pillow. Such a cute shop..I really must get too Paris .

  8. Yeah, I want to hear more about your outs with Ikea. Thanks for more cake inspired designs. Nothing crumby on your blog!;-)

  9. Thanks for a wonderfully dreamy trip to Paris!!! I already love this store!

  10. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Oh my gosh! I LOVE it!

  11. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I thought at first glance that the bag in Suzanne's apartement was a shopping bag, used for the treasures she bought there. On closer examination, it appears to be a handbag...adorable!
    And speaking of shopping bags, what came in that large Vaux le Vicompte bag in the background?

  12. Anonymous6:24 PM


    je vour remercie pour votre cervice et votre confiance et votre amitie

    mercie a tous

    je vous attende pour la nouvelle breakfasts lendemain

  13. Oh, how fun--those things all look excellent, Carol! I love the bag! Lots of opportunities to "create a need." I'll take one of each! Great post.

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This is soooo fun and totally non-caloric for a change!

  15. makes me feel like leaving the house and rushing to Laduree. Lovely pics. Carla

  16. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Thank you for a year of wonderful breakfasts in Paris.

  17. Anonymous9:06 AM

    This is adorable, love the Eiffel Towers with the butterfly, so romantic !
    Cutie shots !

    Lili, la chat...

  18. Oh my goodness...but that shop is pure temptation. However did you control the natural impulses of every woman to shop?! Those bags...that black and pink lamp... oooo. I don't need them but they are GORGEOUS!

  19. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Some of your stories could go on just a bit this one.
    I have to go to this store....or, if
    you have more pictures your could just do a page 2. Wonderful, Wonderful story.

  20. OOooohhh! What a lovely store. Could do some serious damage to my pocket book in there. Magnifique!

  21. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I love the pink chair and pillow. Thanks for this great post.


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