
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Chateau de Fontainebleau

Chateau de Fontainebleau anyone? For all of 23 euros you get a Forfait Loisirs at the Transilien guichet in Gare du Nord that provides you with train/bus/ chateau entry, illustrated booklet plus audio guide!
The lovely weather is a tossup that worked in our favor.
I met two Aussie sisters, Janet and Sue in the train station.

I think I have been in more grand halls this trip.

...than patisseries! But I intend to fix that.
Not that there is anything wrong with grand halls.

Marie-Antoinette's boudoir...Any number of royalty resided here and left their thumb print - Francois I, Henry II and IV, Napoleon I and Josephine, Empress Eugenie, even Pope Pius VII was held prisoner here for 2 years.
I'd like to be held prisoner in this former bedroom.
Now a stairway.
I'm in love with these sculptures. And this one too.
Janet, Sue and I ate our sandwiches in Goddess Diana's tranquil garden. Then I wondered off to town to check out the macaron situation...
Ah ha! Yes Fontainbleau has macarons! A bit plain vanilla looking in my opinon...
Same goes for this tower of macs...
The best macarons are at Frederic Cassel's patisserie - but they are closed on Mondays :( I'd just begun to think it was time to begin walking Paris' streets instead of another ballroom when...
I saw this sign at the Fontainbleau train station - Chateau Vaux le Vicomte is having their very own Salon du Chocolat this weekend! For thr first time , Vaux le Vicomte will be hosting a new Chocolate fair inside the chateau. Chocolate makers will be inside the chateau to tell the visitors their secrets, demonstrating their art, and of course letting them tasting and buying their woderful products..bla bla bla
I CAN NOT miss this can I PB readers?
You get to decide!BONNE VOTING!


  1. I love the Diana's garden! Beautiful photos and you're very lucky with the weather. I live only two hours train ride away from Paris but looking at your pictures I feel I don't go there often enough.

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I am voting can NOT miss this chocolate event inside the Fontainebleau....imagine having your toe inside the door...with your trusty secret camera. Yum. The photos. Yum. The chocolate.

    Barbara in the Mojave

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I vote YES! to the Salon du Chocolat!
    How could you possibly pass this opportunity up?

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Le salon du chocolate is essential!

  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    A plethora of wonderful choices..
    We should all vote!
    For another visit to a salon du chocolat.
    Pas de choise comme ca

  6. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Let them eat chocolat!
    No question! ! !

  7. I love this place! Especially the grounds, I could walk for hours in the forest.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    No need to ask--yes, yes, yes!

  9. Oh its all so lovely. and Yes IF it is half a delicious as that poster is it will be worth every wonderful moment. :)

  10. Carol

    YES! An answer to a pray as you were wandering around the Fontainbleau - It is like a fairy tale come true--- fit for an American princess. What a delight Chateau Vaux le Vicomte is having their very own Salon du Chocolat while you are there and for the very first time. Image the eye candy photos you will snap (to share with PB's readers) and all the tasting you will get to do. The best for the last you will get to purchase very own favorites. Yum!
    Oh La La!

  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    A Chocolate Fair inside a chateau - how Parisian and a definite must do...

  12. Oooh, Cannot wait for La Salon!!!!
    I love those "graces' statues too. Hm. Makes my own little space a bit more humble...perhaps a trompe d'oeuil mural over my door....:-)

    Good stuff, Ms. (Please Stay) Agog. We love this.

  13. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Ha, I thought you meant that we were supposed to vote whether on not you went to the Chocolat show.

    Then I remembered it's November 4.

    Well, of course you should go.

  14. Yes, you must go because you must take us with you on a photo tour. Too bad the screen cannot be scratch and sniff. And now, I am off to vote! here stateside.

  15. Beautiful, Carol! Sounds like you're taking full advantage of seeing all you can. Enjoy! Wish I was there instead of Reno. ;((

  16. Anonymous1:39 PM

    More gorgeous photos! Any no, you shouldn't miss Vaux le Vicomte! Can anyone who loves France, history, art, etc. really get too many chateaux under their belt? I don't think so! Can't wait for more photos.

  17. Anonymous2:57 PM

    You have a great sense of humor Paris Breakfast and are a connoisseur of the maccaron.

    If you are ever held prisoner at Chateau de Fontainebleau
    I shall bake you a maccaron crocuembouche with a little watercolor paint hidden inside!

    I voted, yes I did!!
    Thinking of you.


  18. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I am really enjoying your blogs from Paris!
    A question...what are they wearing in Paris this week?
    It looks as though everyone is very casual.


  19. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Just an FYI…
    The November/December issue of Departures Magazine has an entire article on Macarons, where to find them in Paris and in the States. Also, they’ve put a star next to the patisseries who are extra tasty and who ship fresh overnight (without breakage).
    Possibly an ok alternative for those of us who are not in Paris (at the moment…)

  20. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Yes, you must attend the Salon du Chocolate and report back in detail…
    Can you send me information on who pastry, chocolate artists are?

  21. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I so enjoy all of your beautiful and yummy posts!

  22. Anonymous6:32 PM

    beautiful pictures,great blog some how i found you when i was researching things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia and other complications. i wish you nothing but the best. I was also wondering if there is anyway if i put your link on my site if you would be able to return the favor and add my ink on your sight, i again wish you the best.

  23. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Can there be any doubt that you must go to Vaux for the chocolate festival? Yes, yes, I know, you've seen it all and done it all, but we're talking chocolate here.

  24. Anonymous10:02 PM

    PS That confection on the Vaux poster is one of the most delectable things I've ever must paint it!

  25. ahh, you are so lucky to have gone to all those wonderful places :):)

  26. I should have there!!Perhaps I should have stayed in Paris when I visited in Sept!!


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