
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My first Eiffel Tower upon landing at Orly this morning ON TIME!!!
No I did not take a taxi - I took the RER into Paris (8.64 euros) and got the best sleep on the train for about 35 minutes to Chatelet stop.
I changed to Line 1 and got out a stop early at St. PAUL to explore a bit...
I explored directly accross the street into this patisserie...
More yikes...
Even more!
I ended up getting this deliciously, unfinishable gouter / snack - a chevre/epinard tarte...
Next door was Au Nome de La Rose...YUM
And across the rue, Vaisellerie...these glasses were going for a song...
Nearby, the LACE CURTAINS of my dreams!
In the windows of this very good fish restaurant. Have you eaten here? I'm tempted by soupe de poisson.
Enfin I reach my Metro stop - Bastille.
The view from my window...
Now for more explorations and serious research!
A Demain!


  1. I don't admit this very often, but I AM SO JEALOUS! And with the strength of the dollar recently, you will probably abandon the Euro diet.

  2. what a great start!! can't wait to see more :)

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Does your window have "volets"?

  4. Looks great. The weather seems fantastic.

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    It's so exciting to see your first photos.

  6. Bonjour! I am Robin and have been following your adventures for a year now. I spend part of Novembre in France (Paris/Metro Republique)each year. This year being my 15th year. I must thank you for helping me overcome my homesickness for Paris during the year, by watching your journeys.Enjoy your moments ....and merci for allowing us to peek at your passions. A bientot, Robin

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Paris Breakfast has inspired us to have Denver Breakfast in the same spirit of pleasure and creative play. We try to keep the paint out of the tea and often photograph our table top debrie. try this link for a look:

  8. Thanks Caroll, your blog is very cool. I love Paris very much but now it is two years that I don't see it and so I'm very happy to see your photos and your beautiful watercolors.
    Bon voyage!

  9. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I agree Robin, it is a wonderful blog filled to the brim with beautiful paintings, pictures and for me to be able to partake in Carol's adventure as her Aussie shadow walking along the parisian sidewalks or peering into every shop window through her camera lens is a magical blessing she allows us all to experience. LIVE THE DREAM in every colour - we love it, Merci Judith

  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Oh what a wonderful breakfast....absolutely scrumptious...I can taste and smell everything...isn't Paris divine...and you, an angel.

  11. Beyond, beyond jealous!!!!!! I could lick that raspberry concoction off the screen, no le gouter, no the raspberries, no the le chevre.. .ahhh, see what you have done, MS. AGOG?!!!

    MS. Slurpy Drooling idiot here. :-)

  12. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Funny, my husband is going on a trip to NY by the end of week ! I wish you a terrific stay in Paris and will read your adventures with great pleasure...

  13. I will be at the Palace of Versailles this week end! I do enjoy your paintings and blogs!

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    C'est vrai que le marais est un endroit magnifique et je vosu recommande la patisserie aux Désirs de Manon c'est vraiment délicieux.

  15. I often come and visit you but seldom let comment ,I am writing today to wish you a happy stay in France, I know the 12th arrondissement well, as we owned an appartment there in avenue Ledru Rollin. (now sold), I think you know Paris better than me, and I will enjoy to follow your parisian adventures with great pleasure. A bientot.

  16. I love going on this trip with you how generous. The view of Paris from your window is the best. The best, because you have an abode in the city of Lights.

  17. Bienvenue à Paris !
    C'est un honneur de t'accueillir.

    On se voit au Salon du chocolat ?

  18. Anonymous1:30 PM


    Wonderful you made it across the big blue ocean safely Oh nice!

    I feel like I am walking with you on this trip via through your photographs and editorials,,, just like a movie director-- image that -- you could do a movie blog ( like in the movie "Amelie" we are following along while you are helping us find happiness in Paris --- 'Viva' your art form. Looking forward to more of your paintings & discoveries... Joanny

  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I'm so thrilled for you Carol and totally honored to tag along ;) Merci beaucoup!!!

  20. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Great shots! I used to live not far from Bastille and would always wonder into the Marais. Please keep sharing your trip, it helps me dream and get through my day!

  21. KITEM, you make me laugh!
    I doubt that I know Paris better than you at all!
    The Bastille is so huge and takes hours to get around!
    I have visited the Marche s'aligre one time tow years ago, but I will make up for it starting tomorrow morning.
    Then the Salon du Chocolat is on the list...
    Any recs for the 12th arrondissement are welcome Kitem!
    It is VERY busy here!
    Glad you're all having fun with me :)
    Now I must run find a Mono-Prix. I left my nailbrush at home!!!

  22. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The fish restaurant LE Bistrot du Dome is wonderful. It is the baby sister to the Le Dome restaurant in Montparnasse. One of the best seafood meals I have ever head. tiny baby sole the size of my palm in a lush butter sauce, prawns with artichokes and faiselle with a fruit rouge sauce for dessert. sublime...

  23. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Beautiful--quelle beaute!!
    Have a great time--
    you are!

  24. Go to to agree with my fellow readers! So Jealous!! Have a fantabulous time! Keep those pastry pics coming!!! Yum Yum!! I love virtual eating! Don't even have to count calories! :-)

  25. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I too will be at the Palace of Versailles this week end! Perhaps I will see you, and Stephanie there. You will recognize me, I will have pastry cream on my sleeve, macaroon droppings on my lapel, and a happy look on my face. Hope the weather holds up!

  26. I heard not to go to Versailles in the morning = HUGE crowds.
    Less crowded after 1:30 or 3
    Oooops shouldn't have told.
    I plan on going Thursday AFTERNOON
    And must get Le Passport at the RER station so you don't have to wait on the ticket line, just the entrance line :(
    It better be worth it!

  27. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Is Paris divine, as always? I was looking over photos of my previous trips this morning, just so I could imagine being there.

    Thanks again for the shopping reconnaissance!

  28. Anonymous3:47 PM

    What a fantastic first post from Paris, could you go and get the bit of tarte you couldn't eat and send me it,
    Have a fantastic time,
    Jill xxx

  29. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Long time ago there was a train from La Bastille station, now the Opera, to the countryside, called les bords de Marne, made famous by Renoir, when he painted the Sunday afternoon lunch along the Marne river (musee d'Orsay), all these people took the train at La Bastille.
    This story is to explain that the rails don't exist anymore, but the rails lane is still there and it has been laid out as a park, a long garden not on the ground, but elevated.
    I remeber exactly where the stairs are up to this garden, somewhere on avenue Ledru Rollin.
    Under the Park-Garden and along avenue Dausmenil there are big halls where craftmens workshops and studios. It's famous and beautiful, you're going to discover a different face of Paris over there.
    I liked to walk along the canal and Paris Port, not far away, going toward the Seine, You will discover all of these places by yourself.
    The 12th, after Marché d'Aligre is not so interesting (in my opinion), but I liked to go in the 11th on the other side of rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine, you will find there many alleys, lanes, small roads where the cabinetmakers used to work, since the time of Louis XIV and still today.
    Enjoy yourself, have fun in Paris,

  30. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Let's not hear any more of that "impossible to finish" business young lady! There are well-fed Americans droolling over every crumb! If you find you can't finish, please keep it to yourself! Let us indulge if only in our dreams....

  31. I didn't have computer access for over a day and look at what happens! Yum--I feel the fat spreading even without eating all that. LOL

    Sounds great, Carol--have a blast! Versailles was so beautiful--I'm jealous.

  32. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Seems Carol has more than one aussi shadow, Judith!
    I have just returned from 2 weeks in Paris. stayed in Rue de Sevigne in Le Marais, at a lovely 3 star hotel called St Paul le Marais (funnily enough!) my first adventure in this particualar arrondissemnt. Loved it. So , I broke into such a smile when seeing your first photos from St Paul.. all still so familiar, and allowed me to relive my visit so soon after returning. What a bonus! Enjoy! Jill Qld Australia

  33. Wow you didnt miss a beat. You were there and off on a photo shoot. Good for you. We didnt have to wait. Sounds like your off to a good start in finding the goodies. your 'snack' looked wonderful. Have fun. I will be looking forward to all you post.

  34. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I have avoiding this blog for awhile because I didn't want to be sad that I wasn't in Paris but this was just too tempting.

    When I was in Paris we stayed in the 12th, at Maison Zen. It's a nice area. The best place we ate was A La Biche Au Bois. They had the best fries that I have ever had. My dad also told me that the place next door, Cafe Tarmac, had the best wine that he had on the whole trip.

  35. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Hi Carol,
    I loved this particular Paris Breakfast--all the things that interest me especially the patisserie. Beautiful and colorful photos!
    When you go to Paris do you stay in your own apartment or rent one for the trip or stay in a hotel? Where are good accomodations? I was there last October for the first time in 36 years and stayed with my daughters in an apartment near the Madeleine. It was very nice to me, but the "deep" toilets freaked out my daughters who were visiting for the first time.

  36. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I am enjoying Paris Breakfasts soooo much!

    I have 2 questions: What is your camera?

    I have been looking at the bistroware on Ebay and find 3 different sizes.

    Which size is the one seen in most cafes?

    Your fan in Kentucky

  37. I just got a NEW camera just before departing- a CANON POWER SHOT SX110 IS
    I think I like it...
    This is a test 1..2..3..

  38. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I have enjoyed reading about macarons and chickens and now have had an opportunity to experience them first hand in Martignas ( just outside of Bordeaux) with my daughter! It is hard to be a Francophile in Oklahoma but I try. Thanks for your posts.

  39. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Have a great hoilday and look forward to hearing all about your exploits...
    Lynette ...Australia

  40. "Aux désirs de Carol"! Welcome in your second home!

  41. I am SO envious. Beam me up Scottie

  42. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I have been lurking for quite a while and I must say a smile spread all over me reading this entry. I return to France every year bur it's been too long since I was in Paris. Next year, for sure!

  43. Thanks you, THANK YOU, Carol for this lovely armchair travel. And how I was just thinking the other day that it may be possible for me to return to Paris next year. Until then, it's your blog!

  44. Glad to see u in my home again....
    kiss La Pyramide for me.
    Have a wonderful visit.

  45. I so enjoyed all of your beautiful and yummy posts!


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