
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maison Stohrer

A little Paris walk on 51, rue Montorgueil, 75002 to one of Paris' oldest patisserie founded in 1730. We will visit Maison Stohrer class, today. The interior of this tiny shop is positively grande. With murals of the seasons painted by Paul Baudry in 1864, whose works grace the Grand Foyer of the Paris Opera...

The Tarte aux Poires...

I don't know the name of this tart, but it knows what to do when you point a camera at it bien sur!

Piles of luscious canneles await you at Stohrer. They were judged to have the 3rd best eclair in Paris.

And being a traiteur, there are savories too. Soup to nuts so to speak.

 And we must not forget the macarons! Here's a petit film on Stohrer, if per chance you can't drop by today...


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I am enjoying your daily emails .... such a beautiful way to start my day, from my artful heart to yours, and don'cha just love watercolors!
    yummy :)

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Carol, the Tarte aux Poires looks burnt but the strawberrys and rasberrys look to die for, over here the strawberrys this summer were terrble and cost a bomb so didn't have much this year. Have you ever had Egyptian cheerries as the beat the lot in taste and there pale yellow and pink . Fantastic !!
    Jill xx

  3. I'm sure that's the way it should look
    The Parisiens are perfectionist at their tarts

  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Was only joking, think its been caramelised (which is kind of very hot suger and butter) but tastes super,
    Jill xx

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Carol, you cause me joy and distress all at once! Such a joy to see your lovely photos and watercolors but such anguish because I cannot walk into Maison Stohrer and taste those delights today!

  6. OMG, it all looks so amazing. No doubt this is the most delicious blog I visit. I want the raspberry one and that caramel looking treat. Yummy!!

  7. ohhhh....lovely. Now breakfast here is going to be boooooring. Maybe I will eat with eyes closed and visualize these. :))

  8. Hi Carol-

    I came across your blog on 'Places I Have Never Been'.. and find it mouth-watering. I miss Paris so much! Truth be told, I was never a dessert fiend until I spent time there. To this day, I'm still not sure if that was a curse or a blessing!

    Suz (a.k.a. Lil' Boozie)

  9. Hi friend BJ sent me to check out your I am addicted already...what a wonderful post...these photos are wonderful!!!

    the Parisienne delights!!!

  10. Yum--that shop looks to die for. Soon, you'll be there again Carol! Counting the days? I'm in SeaTac airport browsing while I wait now--fun to see PB inbetween flights. ;)) have a good one.

  11. Cannelés are also delicious, but I prefer the famous macarons!

  12. Great images!

    I am celebrating my 100th post. Please stop by and enter my giveaway.


  13. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I'd hate to be sent to the principal's office at PB! Your stern warnings have made this dog owner get the dog's hat off his bed!
    As for the film - that young man could make shredded newspaper sound tres tres delicieuse!

  14. Looking at your blog tonight was just what I needed after a long day at work. Ahhhh, Paris. Ahhh, your blog :)

  15. Anonymous1:29 AM

    You just have to love the Parisians....third best eclair. :)

  16. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Stohrer's pastries look wonderful... but their assistant 's French sounds terrible... Not any class for this classy place...

  17. YUP!
    The third best eclair according to a Figaro survey. They have the article glued to their door and I studied it at length and even took a picture of it!?

  18. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Just a few questions...

    Are you taking Macaron orders??????!

    Do you know of any place in the US that you can order the French macarons from that will mail them?

    Have you seen these?

  19. A, j'ai dro^lement faim. J'epelles aussi mal en francais qu'en anglais.

  20. I see the mural Amy's Bread in chelsea market has copied.........
    Hmm.......I suppose Ceres is too lovely to pass up.

  21. Oh yes I have been there and done that. You need to take a tissue to wipe away the drool

  22. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Stohrer is amazing! I stumbled in there one day with a friend and immediate drool was necessary! I love your blog, it is delicious, beautiful and oh so full of wonderful memories of Paris!
    I will be back for more... sans doute!


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