
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Friend Sue

#158B Sue's Tea Cup
Last week a surprise package arrived full of little teacups from my friend Sue.
I met Sue on Flickr. She would be the first one to leave comments on my watercolors and they were such persceptive comments.
"I love that tin and the "sugar scoop" painterly. And the peony and glass are beautifully accomplished with just a few sweeps of paint."
" the swirls on the left, and those cherries are excellent--I particularly like the one with lavendar/bluish tinges on the right..."
"...What a wonderful marriage of colors."
Bluebird watercolor by Suzanne Smith
It turns out that Sue not only takes fantastic photos of birds, which flock to her doorstep with wild abandon, but she paints them beautifully! Sue has a collection of flower vases up the whazoo and takes divine photos of them.Flower Vase watercolor by Suzanne Smith
And then she paints them too! Did I mention Sue's garden..well Sue lives in North Carolina but she definitely has a green thumb!
Sue started a blog recently and you HAVE to visit puleeeeze! A Brush with Color -It's a daily delight full of her photos, paintings and great quotations like:
"I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”(Claude Monet)
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can."(Danny Kaye)
What a wonderful life I’ve had. I only wish I’d realized it sooner!” (Colette)
God gives every bird his worm, but He does not throw it into the nest.”(P D James)
 Sue's delightful work can be seen on Zazzle . Sue nudged me to go on Zazzle too... When I was showing off my messy studio I begged Sue to show hers... She sent me this photo and self-effacing note, This is all I have for a studio.
Sue has even painted her studio! This would be a near impossible task for me I fear...Sue has just done a book on Blurb and is gently nudging me to do one...
Please take a look. It's lovely!
Sue doesn't know I'm doing this post...she might decide to sue me. I hope not :)
PS all photos and watercolors are by Suzanne Smith(c) (except for Yellow Bird..)


  1. ?????!!OMG--you are too much, Carol!!! I can't even believe you did this! (Love that little teacup you did, by the way, LOL!) How strange to open up Paris Breakfast and see this here. You are too much. I said that my LAP was my work space, and sometimes my desk. You are a riot. Now you'll embarrass me big time...I have really enjoyed getting to know you through flickr and your blog and zazzle... and all your "gentle nudges" have been good to me. I hope one day I get to meet you. Thank you, Carol...

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I think your friend is very talented. I know it is not a contest, but I must say I enjoy your painting more only because it is 'whimsical'. I find the older I get the more I look for whimsical, enchanting and less for realistic depictions. Is this a kind of mid-life crisis for a woman? lol

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Thanks! these are adorable!
    What a charming friend you have.
    Very lucky!

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Little Yellow birdy will get fat if he eats all that!
    All very charming :)

  5. Carol, What a sweet and delightful thing to do for Sue who, or whom?, I think is fabulously talented and fun to visit & get to know daily.
    You both make me want to start doing whimsical paintings with watercolors.:):)
    I love this painting of yours today. It's absolutely Beautiful.
    And yes you do need to do a book. I want one of Sues.

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Doing a book!
    What a good idea..must go check this out.
    Please do one yourself PB

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Awesome tip on, you can even wiki the company.

  8. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Hi Carol,
    How sweet and generous of you to introduce your fans to a new brush!

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Well done, Carol! I look at both your sites everyday and enjoy them enormously. Suzanne is right: your turn now.
    I am a colored pencil and pastel person and admire both of you for your ability with watercolor, a medium I find very intimidating.

    Thank you for sharing!

  10. Spashes and splatters and color with brushes....makes my heart beat in such a nice rhythm. I am smiling and loving this. I will go over and visit Sue. Tanks, Ms Agog
    All best, Jan

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    What a fantastic tribute to Sue! I, too am entranced with her work and she just has to be one of the sweetest people on earth.
    ps. You made great use of the teacup!

  12. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I visited Sue's blog after reading my PB RSS this morning.
    Thanks for the introduction to another talented watercolourist!

  13. Anonymous6:25 AM

    LOVE that Sue!
    She is adorable
    Can't be beat!

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I love it when talented women embrace each other like this. Sue's paintings are wonderful too. How fun to admire and support each other. Thanks for sharing!

  15. To Sue,
    or not to Sue,
    that's not even
    a remote question.
    To Sue, to Carol,
    to YB,
    to PB,
    to Carol, to Sue,
    we go,
    oho! :-)

    (Ok, so I flunked Poetry 101)

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I love your work so much and your friend sue is a wonderful gift of creative energy also.
    Tell Sue we love
    her work and the blue bird is irresistable.

  17. You both are extremely talented and generous souls :)

  18. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I love both of your charming watercolors! I love Paris and I love desserts! I am in the (long) process of putting together my own book of sketches of France, Italy and Greece - maybe on Blurb. I've just ordered Sue's book. Where in NC does she live?

  19. Two of my favourite Flickr artists in one place, wow!! Thanks Carol for doing such a fine and fun job on Sue's work! Just marvelous!


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