
Thursday, July 17, 2008


#155B Paintbox still life, original watercolor, 9" x 11"
When you consider looking for art supplies in Paris, your first thought is where are the art shops?
It just so happens that BHV, the big Paris home supply department store, now has a FAB art department...on the first floor too. It used to be quite meager.
Remember how I raved about Rick's old fashioned lace can get them here too. Just bring your measurements puleeeze!
Their book department is terrific too and greets you as you enter from the rue des archives door.
Tassles, ribbons, every decorative treatment under the sun plus how-to-do-it demos and classes are offered (in French) at BHV.
A vast selection of traditional door handles and other accessories are so tempting to bring back to the US...
This stick-on wall mural for example...
A Frenchie looking breakfast tray too....
7 floors to wander through, as good as a visit to the Louvre almost..
AND they have JAM!!!
AND MACARONS! Well OK macaron candles...ahem


  1. Great post, Carol! I love seeing inside stores like this. I'll bet that place is great fun to browse through. Your palette and paints are wonderful--I'm laughing realizing they too must be minis. I'm starting to think you, too, are just a tiny fairy sprinkling your magic throughout this blog!!

  2. oooh, I would have to have a whole empty suitcase on the trip over just to fill with goodies. That lace will come back with you next trip , huh? Measure, measure. It's about the paint today for us both. :)

    All best, Jan

  3. Fabulous post today. I chuckled at 'Brush with colors' comment. lol I can vision it. :)
    Also a great painting & it must be the new paper you're using now as they seem to have more color or richness to them.
    I do love browsing thru stores like this. The Frenchie Breakfast tray cups and tea pots I would be happy taking home. :):)

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I've walked past BHV so many times and have never stopped. I could KICK myself!!!

    Eileen (passions to pastry0

  5. how sad to walk right past BHV?!
    It's the French version of an upscale Sears & Roebucks for Parisiens.
    They have whatever Parisiens need...well almost..Don't go looking for a fan during a heat wave.
    You may have to order it and wait 6 weeks!

  6. Ooooh La La Divine~
    Love all that you share~

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Very lovely!
    I like the sketch book best of all! (even if it is a disguised notebook! ~.^)

  8. Anonymous2:25 PM

    You must have been in heaven! You could practically live there.

    I want to see all of the stick on wall murals.

  9. Oh I love it when you supply links, I wish these curtains were available in the US - I only visited Sennelier on the Seine when I was there - Awesome shop and history! Love your posts and watercolors as Always!

  10. How FUN to shop in an art store in PARIS! Love your paintings!
    I want that Paris Style book and Blame it on Paris... every time I visit your site... I think I HAVE TO BUY THOSE!

  11. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Your paint box painting turned out super! With the addition of paint to the paint box, the miniatures in your pic look full-sized and real.

  12. Anonymous9:30 PM

    When you measure, will you do it in metric?

  13. METRIC!!!
    ? ? ? ?
    I hadn't thought about that Mistress of always right LongEars Manor House...

  14. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Your blog is heavenly! What a wonderful discovery of today!**

  15. I happen to see this blog,so happy I did.Love the art ,food and how lucky you are.I would bring back all I could,thats for sure. Marie Antionette

  16. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I'd like to explain that I randomly stumbled upon your blog today thanks to my obsession with macarons, and I guess i'm a built of a...francophile? oh god i don't know the word, but i love those macaron candles too!

  17. I am living in Paris, Chatelet.
    BHV is one of the expensive places for shopping.
    Try other shops at St Michel if you go there.

  18. Leroy Merlin is my thing. I have to be dragged out screaming and kicking every time. They have 3 aisles of paint bruses

  19. favorite jam. I can get it locally, they have one that is fig and walnut, lovely with chevre on crackers.

  20. Hi
    I just wonder if you remember where one could find the doorhandles.
    Wonders from a new reader.
    Thanks, Maria

  21. Hi
    I just wonder if you remember where one could find the doorhandles.
    Wonders from a new reader.
    Thanks, Maria

  22. Thanks For the big laugh! I guess I left my googles and head behind last night.
    I stopped at your place for a long while. Pure Pleasure and just loveley paintings


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