
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Confiture de Christine Ferber

Christine Ferber, original watercolor
Can we ever have too much jam?

Maybe I should re-phrase that... CanI ever have too much jam, preserves, confiture?
Christine Ferber Confiture, original watercolor
Just give me a spoon and a good jar of jam and I'm as happy as a clam. Which is why I can never bring jam into the house. I'll eat it!
It's also why Paris is one land mine after another for me.
Everywhere you go there is jam (confiture) staring you in the face like here at Chateau Vaux le Vicomte. - ahhhh...pear with walnuts.. YUM!
 Did you know that ANGELINA sells JAM!? YUP they do.
My dad used to make strawberries preserves in the summer - he was from Iowa. And my grandmother used to arrive bearing gifts of huge jars of cherry preserves. Is that the root of my obsession? These days all I'm allowed is very tiny jars of jam  Doll house size in fact... Quelle domage? Of course Maxie can have all the jam he wants. Here he is at cafe Le Valentine in the 9th. What's your favorite jam? BONNE JOURNEE!


  1. Mmmmmm...I'm with you, Carol! I could eat any one of those with great pleasure. I think for me it is because of my grandmother's jams. Proust really was right about those madeleines, and our powers of remembrance...your paintings are exquisite and make me want to go have some jam on toast right now. With a cup of tea, like grandma.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Pear with a vanilla bean! The packaging on all of these jams is so beautiful.

    Eileen (passions to pastry)@

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I saw a jar of confiture "peche de vigne". I was fortunate to try some of my aunt's peche de vigne and it is soooooo good. It's a variety of peach that grows on a vine and my aunt has them in her garden in the Lorraine region... I wish I could have some now!

  4. Isabelle B you can get "peche de vigne" at La Maison du Chocolat in New York. I've been meaning to try it - it's a peach that grows close to the vineyards and very special I've heard tell :)

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. The paintings and photos really make my day and are a delight to the senses.

    Thank you for taking the time to smell the roses and share the scent.


  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hi Paris Breakfast,
    very nice water color above. Soft and dreamy.
    I haven't forgotten you, that this is your special month. Would you be kind enough to email me your mailing address. Would like to send you something next week.
    merci beaucoup!

  7. Anonymous9:38 AM

    In August 2001 we took an apartment on Ile Saint Louis for 10 days and showed our young tweens Paris.
    My son Malcolm (@ 13, the oldest) pooh-poohed the entire idea of living in Paris for a bit until he met fresh baked baguettes /croissants, French butter and framboise confiture.
    As a matter of fact, confiture is the only French word he retained!

    My mother makes raspberry jelly from the plants in her Pittsburgh PA back yard.
    Both my daughters love to help her.
    aybe you would like a jar?
    It is prized in our household.
    Have a great day!

  8. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Ahhh jam! When I was in Paris several years ago I noticed the jams. I came home and started my own jam company called Marmalady's. I have some wonderful jams infused with tea, such as Apricot Darjeeling Jam and Cranberry Ginger Tea Marmalade.

  9. Ahh, jam. :) Raspberry please, or, yummy ginger marmalade...or my grandmother's blackberry or Aunt Elaine's fresh peaches...ahhhhhh, must go have jam on my English could I forget to eat breakfast? Thanks PB and Maxie for reminding me :)

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    You are full of surprises...the jam "breakfast" is a lovely way to start the day....but the surprise is that your papa is from Iowa. My folks are from Iowa~!
    How is that possible !

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Fig jam with Cabrales blue cheese, please.
    Truffle honey over same cheese. Yum.
    The woman who owns the boulangerie in Maury makes wonderful fig jam...

  12. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Strawberries and Rhubarb!!!

  13. Like Irene's son, confiture is one of the few words my He-weasel/husband can remember. Sometimes he confuses voiutre with confiture. Je "voudrais une baguette avec voiture."It always makes me laugh. Will that be a strawberry or a cherry car?

  14. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Now I HAVE to go to the only coffee shop in town that has croissants imported from France!
    I just have to have one with JAM!

  15. I let the dogs have some jam yesterday.

  16. Chocolate jam? Hmm. I'll eat just about anything chocolate...but chocolate jam? I dunno about that one. Is it anything like Nutella?

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I hope you know that Bonne Maman preserves are available in the U.S.

    Several Minneapolis grocery chains have them. I just polished off
    the last of a jar of Bonne Maman. maroons a week or so ago. It's exactly
    the same stuff as what I bought at Monoprix

    If you can't find it locally, try here:

  18. Anonymous2:44 PM

    You're funny.
    I don't usually eat jam right out of the jar, but I do like to slather it on toast!!

  19. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I love getting your emails and look forward to them each day.
    I love Framboise!

  20. Anonymous7:36 PM

    somehow I remember hearing the nonsense expression growing up:

    "The jam what am."

    I have no idea what it means...
    If anyone does please say so.
    somehow it does seem appropriate for today's jammy post!

  21. Jam has fruit in it, so it's healthy, right? They don't have jam like that, where I live, so consider yourself lucky. =)

  22. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Remind me to get a jar of that peche du vigne at La Maison du Chocolate! one more reason that is THE place for me. (Can both those "du"s be correct?)
    I saw Christine on Martha and vowed to buy her book as soon as I saw her very French scarf (Hermes I think). After all, one's jam-making skills are totally proportionate to one's fashion sense.
    I have bought many jars of American Spoon Jams, and I feel sure those American Spooners are great dressers. And of course, I consider Dundee Orange marmalade a pantry staple, though I will NEVER forgive them for changing the jars from pottery to some opaque glass! However, the only ones I am tempted to eat with a spoon are the fruit butters - apricot, peach, raspberry, yummmmm!

  23. Anonymous2:22 AM

    I took almost the same picture as your third one (C.Ferber)! :))
    They are very yummy and special, aren't they?
    Yesterday, I was at my friend's and we baked some breakfast buns with Magnolia's Bakery bake book.

  24. Lordie,
    Carol you were born with a sweet tooth! *giggle* Watch Maxie slurp up your tea in no time, he wouldn't mind a bite or two of the croissant, before be hides it under my best rug!
    Please be informed that in Vienna you'll find jam jars aplenty, for instance apricot jam made with the sweetest ripest rose apricots.
    Now you made me think of raiding my fridge! ;-)

  25. We had the best jam treats ever this trip to France....the gite owner had some homemade peach jam waiting for us (along with bread, cake and coffee! sooo sweet!) and then my French aunt gave us gorgeous jars of homemade figue et citron, myrtilles, and abricot. She had the cutest little tags on them...I have to make jam this summer and copy her!!! :)
    Great post today!

  26. oh wow... I LOVE Christine Ferber. As a matter of fact, I just dedicated a whole post to her. I need to get my hands on those jams!!!

  27. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Where can I buy Christine Ferber jam in Paris?


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