
Friday, May 02, 2008

French Silver

Ispahan, original watercolor
Choosing a silver pattern is a tricky thing...
I looked all over Paris for a decent spoon...not that I'm a spoon collector or anything...Green Dome, original watercolor

But searching for anything in Paris is always an adventure...
So why not silverware? The antique shops are full of it like at Portobello on 56, rue Notre-Dame des Champs in the 6th arrondissement...Tons of it! Does everyone in Paris end up selling their silverware? This plethora of knife rests were at Vaux le Vicomte.. Here tables are being set for the evening crowd at Le Comptoir, Paris’s hottest reservation in the 6th... I wasn't particularly looking for a picnic set but they are plentyful in Paris. This blurry (stolen) shot was in the Marie-Antoinette boutique at at the Grand Palais exhibit. I think I need a press badge...hmmmm At last. I find just the right silverware set for me and my minis. OK Now everyone can dig in!BONNE JOURNEE


  1. Count me in! I'll take one of those pretty silver ones in the top photos or one with the ivory handles, like my grandmother had. Your paintings here are luscious, Carol! Great job! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Just what I needed to start my day...your little painting of your blue bird of happiness?

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Your spoons bring lots of memories back to me.
    So much came back to me with your beautiful silver,
    Merci Carol.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Great colors here.
    So delicate and filmy.

    Oooh--and I love the greenish hue on that pastry-desserty-thing.

  5. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Beautiful post today AGAIN!I love all these ribbons and silvery Parisien things...

  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Beautiful post today AGAIN!I love all these ribbons and silvery Parisien things...

  7. Oooh shiny silver things!! Love them. And a money shot tooo...hand me a spoon my dear, I am diggin' in. :)

    I'm up. I'm up...
    All best, Jan

  8. Lovely picture! And you're right, the silverware set you chose is perfect!

  9. Anonymous3:40 PM

    My husband just sent me a link today to your website! How wonderful!

    We were in Paris almost two years ago, and upon the advice of a friend who is a travel writer went to the Hotel Meurice for breakfast. When we tasted our son's hot chocolate we immediately forgot all about our coffee and ordered two more hot chocolates (no sharing for us!!)! We'd never been to Paris, nor known about hot chocolate, nor anything about the Hotel Meurice, so you can imagine how blown away we were by everything! (happy sigh!) It was our most expensive meal in Paris -- as you can imagine, if one pot of chocolat chaud was 12 euros -- and our most memorable!

  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    More Marie-Antoinette please.
    I can never get enough...don't know why either..?

  11. Thanks for your joyful explosion!!

    When you are in Venice, here is the place for your hot chocolate fix!

  12. More lovely paintings and you got your silverware finally and in Paris. How fun. We will be expecting lots more wonderful paintings now. :)

  13. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Hi!!! Im from Argentina! Im so happy that I found your beautiful blog! Im student of pastry and you give some of the wonderful things from a rich country like France and EEUU. Congratulations! thank you very much. Im sorry but my english is so so. Kisses ! Romina

  14. Did the bird run away with the spoon, leaving you the icing, er, eggs on the cake???

  15. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Quelle amusante!
    I love the ribbons on the antique it French ribbon?
    Must be :)
    Your painitngs are luminous!

  16. I am always amazed at the amount of old cutlery there is in France. Have they taken to eating with their fingers?

  17. Hi! I found your site through Merisi's Vienna For Beginners. How delightful! As I journeyed through your site, it brought back many wonderful memories of my visit to France as a college student...suffice it to say that was a while ago. How did you end up buying one set of silverware? If it's silver or glass, I have a hard time saying "no" to it! If it has a history, I have less will power!! Wonderful site...thank you for sharing!!!!

  18. A beautiful story in pictures. I loved all the different silverware you looked at until you found the perfect set.

    Natalie @ Gluten a Go Go

  19. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I so envy you being able to go to the Marie Antoinette Exhibit... I arrive in Paris in August, so unfortunately there will be no Marie Antoinette for me.

  20. Carol I love this because I have a flatware fetish!!

  21. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Silver or not, these 2 watercolours are beautiful.


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