
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Musee de la Poupee Paris

Musee de la Poupee My interest in dollhouse miniatures led me to search out French versions at the Paris Musee de la Poupee.

Musee de la PoupeeMany treasures await you down this cul de sac at Impasse Berthaud, 75003 near rue Rambuteau.

Musee de la PoupeePlenty of dolls, but more a trip in a time machine back to 19th century Paris.

Musee de la PoupeeSo evocative of the old Paris we read and dream about.

Musee de la Poupee Plenty of Parisien dogs in almost every tableau.

Musee de la Poupee Such serious faces on these porcelaine dolls.
Musee de la Poupee
An ornate china teaset caught my eye and heart.

Musee de la PoupeeAre these the Barbies and Blythes of the 1890's?

Musee de la PoupeeMore 40's or 50's dollies. Tableaux are arranged chronologically according to materials used, their functions and educational role.

Musee de la PoupeeLike browsing through an old scrapbook full of photos.

Musee de la PoupeeAll from the private antique doll collection of father/son Guido and Samy Odin as well as the donations. The museum opened in June 1994, but it feels much older.

Musee de la Poupee
A well kept secret but one that must be shared.
Don't miss it next visit!


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Thanks so much for doing exactly that. In all the trips I've made to Paris I spent almost every day shopping and shopping for design ideas. You're now showing me the Paris I never got to see and it's way beyond charming.
    This museum is wonderful.


  2. Carol, all that pink in the final picture of today's blog is echoed in the beautiful flowering tree outside my window on this chilly Spring morning.
    How's "re-entry" coming?
    Welcome home!

  3. I just discovered your blog, and WOW..totally gorgeous. Thanks so much for the tour. Love the beauiful sweet and lovely.

  4. This is lovely. Vintage snapshots in tableau. And dogs! And little Limoges! Makes me want a very petit croissant. :)
    All best, Jan

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Such expressive faces on these dolls..not carbon copies of perfect beauties, but real and flawed and full of emotion.
    Thank you

  6. Charming post. I am facinated by the dogs in all the vignettes. I love how they view them as important to family. You do find some interesting off the beaten path places to visit.

  7. I love this museum! Thanks for these pictures! You really should write a guide about Paris and its secrets ! ( like Les Pintades à New York)

  8. There are so many excellent guides to Paris out there Anne!
    I love the Parigramme series for example.
    On the other hand you could do very nicely on New York!

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The dolls and their outfits are wonderful! I had an aunt who owned a travel agency when I was a kid,and she used to bring a doll back from every place she ever traveled to for me and my sisters. We weren't allowed to play with these dolls--they were kept in a locked display case in one of our bedrooms. They really were beautiful! We had over 350. When I grew up and my folks finally moved from that house, they brought me a big garbage bag filled with individually wrapped dolls, and I took the whole bag and stuck it in a closet 'til I could get to it. I completely forgot about it, and months later, found that bag, and thought "why am I keeping garbage in here?!" I inadvertently threw out all those dolls, and it only hit me a week later what I had done. I could have cried. Not that I know what I'd do with all those dolls, anyway, but they were beautiful...Your dolls brought it all back to me, Carol.

  10. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Just a magicalplace!
    Beautiful photos too.

  11. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Here ya go.

    my mother was a doll collector--that's why I know. I'm about 95%
    certain that the "Barbie" dolls in today's post are FFDs.

  12. Oh, this may be the answer to my prayers. I am looking for someone in Paris who makes customized doll clothes. I want to get a Paris frock for La Belette Rouge when I am in Paris this summer. Any ideas, Carol?

  13. I'm sorry Carol but I'm scared of those dolls. I know, I know... antiques, priceless... they scare me!

  14. I absolutely love the dolls...your post are always deliciously amazing, but these pictures are very very nice indeed...Dee Dee

  15. what a fabulous trip you must have had! It's been years since i have been to Paris!

  16. You must have been itching to take home every single piece in that museum to add to your miniature collection! LOL!

  17. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Love your blog. And this museum is one of my absolute favorite places in world. Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you, Nancy Marie

  18. Thank You...Looks so Lovely Place!


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