
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Un Chien Dans Le Marais

Un Chien Dans Le Marais
Max checks out the Remelt Chocolates, original watercolor, 10" x 12"
Chocolates for dogs you ask? No no no!
Un Chien Dans Le MaraisChic outfits for dogs you ask?
Un Chien Dans Le MaraisOui! if you happen to be on 35 bis, rue du roi de Sicile 75004
Un Chien Dans Le Marais
Un Chien Dans Le Marais specializes in outfiting your hound in the latest trendy acoutrament.
Mais oui!
OK, so it was Halloween in Paris when I was there. Why should Brangelina baby Shiloh be the only little one to wear skull and bones?
A devil suit for your pup?
Fur-belows as well...
Of course a snazzy neckwear is de rigueur.
His/her portrait anyone?
Or a multi-portrait in another shop in the Marais?
There are plenty of hounds window browsing in Paris shop windows...
Plus cafe guards hold their own on many a rue...
Here a night guard in an antique shop keeping watch.
It's not all frills and fur-belows for Paris hounds.
Some are hard working blue collar dogs! If you'd like to visit the interior of
Un Chien Dans Le Marais take a look at the video...


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I see a documentary about dogs in California it was absolutly fabulous and crazy , dogs wear a real diamond and nail varnish ! (already I knew a dog's psychanalist on 1977 in L A...) ...and the most scandalous for a frenshy : the pet inheritate million dollars puppy !

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I like your dog, the half of a too long dog (very funny !)
    He is choosing his best piece of chocolate very seriously !

  3. And they say the English love their dogs more than their kids - the French take some beating there dogs are as well dressed as they are.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    That little video was hilarious. Her dog didn't seem to mind all the trying on of hats and sunglasses,SHOES for each paw, etc.
    Your painting of Max is tres gentile, Carol. He's a lot less mainenance and cost than the real thing, n'est ce pas?

  5. Yes Chocolates are a no no for Dogs and I know how he feels, being on a diet & all, looking into that box of luscious looking chocolate morsels. At least we can enjoy their beauty. :)
    Sweet painting. :)

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The doggie video is a hoot!
    MERCI :)

  7. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Max is very sweet!
    Love your chocolates in their little individual compartments, Carol.
    Very nicely done.
    (Did you eat 'em all for research?) ;))

  8. Anonymous12:04 PM sweet as can be....:)

  9. Great doggy pix. And I love that devil dog outfit.

  10. That's my Maxie, he loves to stop and smell the chocolates! Did you know he likes to wear Chanel's "Allure"? He insists it has a note of chocolate underneath all that floral fragrance.
    Dogs! ;-)

  11. LOL , a little Max love going on..adorable.. I liked the sweaters with the hoods and the dogs in situ. Max seems to have fabulous taste in chocolates. Fun.
    All best, Jan

  12. Living as he does in the "Mini-World" of Paris Breakfasts, Max might be the only doggie in the whole world who could safely eat chocolates!

  13. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Why are all those Parisian dogs so small? I've caught rodents bigger than those dogs! My bounty hunter business has been curtailed due to a nasty turn in politics. Do you think I could have a future as a Parisian guard dog? I dress nicely.

  14. Anonymous9:26 PM

    My all-time favorite dog clothing is a black leather motorcycle jacket, with a patch on the sleeve that reads "Bad to the Bone". Don't know hwy I didn't get it for Ozzie....

  15. That is adorable and insane!

  16. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Dear Carol,
    Wow, your photos are great but your work is even better in real life!
    I just adore your painting of Max and am off to the frame shop!
    I'm going to have him framed and then send him off to Portland to my Mom. She is going to be beside herself when she opens the package!
    Thanks so much and I hope to buy one of your paintings for myself
    soon. You are terrific!
    Thanks again,

  17. Love the Max painting! Do you live in Paris? Does Max need a hoodie? Let us know! Jaimee & Zoe @


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