
Monday, March 24, 2008

Chicken Little?

There are no little chickens in Paris!
M. says her father would take her to see the giant chocolate chickens at Hediard and they're still there. Inside they're filled with little chocolate eggs of course. There are lines everywhere in Paris for Easter chocolate.

Some of these hens look like they have a coat of shellac or wax, they are that shiny.

 Gerard Mulot's masterful hens.
They rule the roost in Paris and will not be ignored.
Same goes for his speckled hens. Dozens of hens alaying.

This hen is sitting on a bed of daisies and Eiffel towers. Conveniently placed nearby - French eggcups.

Surounded by hay as any respectable hen should be and found sitting on an egg bigger that herself at Lafayette Gourmet.
Also at Lafayette Gourmet multi-colored multi-hens. They have eggs to match. You can never be too well coordinated in Paris bien sur.
Sadaharu AOKI has big green Matcha tea chocolate hens
Alaying big Matcha green eggs.
This hen seems to have produced marron glace 'eggs'. A Fr hen will always surprise you with her creativity.
And don't forget all the chocolate bells or cloche. I asked M. why bells?
Because the bells go ding..ding..ding at Easter. OK.
Do you want to see Paris bunnies?
Easter is almost over and there are turtles, fish, ducks and bunnies waiting in the wings!
Oui o non?


  1. Anonymous4:52 AM

    More of EVERYTHING please.
    Anything that's Parisien is OK with me!
    Valentines, Noel, Easter etc.

  2. Anonymous4:54 AM

    A chicken in every pot belly?
    Who is eating all this chocolate in Paris is what I want to know!!!

  3. Anonymous4:56 AM

    What a feast!
    Thanks for sharing :)
    And what did you get to eat for Easter?

  4. All of a sudden it seems as I have been on a visual diet lately, after seeing that Parisian chocolate extravaganza. I can smell the chocolate even here .... hold .... who has bitten the head of the Lindt bunny here????

  5. Absolutely beautiful and divine.
    Thanks for the magic you share.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    How I would love to visit Paris at Easter. What a wonderful photo opportunity! I'm at least enjoying your trip to Paris!


  7. Now that Easter is behind you, and all those wonderful ways to consume chocolate, are we soon gonna' have the pleasure of seeing your equally deeeeelicious paintings?

  8. Anonymous9:26 AM

    ... and where are Parisian Easter bells...?
    They should have come back from Roma now !

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I love seeing them--we don't have chickens the way they do, only baby chicks. At least I've never known us here in the States to have chickens like you always show us! they're cool. I'm jealous. And bells! I love those! Keep 'em coming! Hope you're having a wonderful time, Carol. sue

  10. I love seeing what you post. so send on the rest. My question of the day is. what do they do with all those lovely chocolate chickens & things in the windows when the display is taken down? Do they eat them, toss them, or save them in a cooler or something for next year? That's a lot of money time & work put into them not to mention chocolate.

  11. OUI! Encore! LOVE that RED and the Roosters!!Jan

  12. The French have such a *thing* for chickens. I do too. Much more sympa than carrion-eating bald eagles. We'll be there in quinze jours, and we're hoping that the temperatures will be up a bit. What's the weather report on the ground?

  13. Wow, you found a lot of chickens!

  14. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Did you buy any of that fabulous looking chocolate and if so, where?
    Thank-you so much for the delightful pictures.

  15. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Oh and OUI~
    Bring on the bunnies!

  16. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Also the little frogs! I'd never thought of frogs as being
    particularly "spring" but they were all over town, in chocolate,
    where ever I looked.

    Happy Easter to you, too

  17. Anonymous2:16 PM

    As interesting look at Paris and its eccentricities...
    But why the emphasis on HENS ?? Any insight....

    Happy Spring !!

  18. Darned if I know Christine?
    Fertility? all those eggs...
    They are homey...nesting...Mommies?
    You raise some ponderous and thought provoking questions here!

  19. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I took a break from work this morning and spent time catching up on your blog - what a delight!

    I could just smell and feel Paris through your pictures and words. Thank you for sharing the experience!

  20. Bring on the Bunnies!

  21. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I believe I can safely say that you have unquestionably settled the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. First it was the egg, now it's the chicken. And am I right that Gerard's chicken (not, as one might expect, the egg) comes pre-cracked? Look closely at the one on the left.
    As for the bunnies, bring on the wine, the shallots, the thyme, a pinch of sea salt...and of course the carrots....No! Not to serve with them! To serve TO them. Detente.

  22. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Will you be in Paris over April 1st? If so, I would love to see chocolate POISSON!!! My favorite French holiday...even collect the postcards. I am enjoying your pictures from Paris!!! thank you so much! (sorry to be anonymous, I can't remember my blogger password) Kelley in Florida

  23. In France, the bells are supposed to go flying to Rome to be blessed by the Pope, and then to come back and shed the eggs for the children.
    I supose it's the catholic church trying to make holly a very ancient and pagan feast...

  24. What an utterly delightful blog!
    Why the chocolate bells at easter?? -- perhaps the Parisiens are not so much in touch with their patrimoine as we are here in La France Profonde --- 'because they go ding-ding...indeed! -- Come have a look at why there are bells at Easter here---


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