
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cupcakes Win

Paris Breakfasts took the day off yesterday and went horizontal.
After bed rest and one aspirin we're back in fighting shape at least for painting if not actually going into the ring to slug it out between the birds and the bears.

Dylan's Candy Bar Cupcakes Cupcakes made the call and won out over birds AND Gummi Bears! These mammoth samples are from Dylan's Candy Bar...

If you can find Gummi Bears, there's a good chance cupcakes are nearby, since both are kid's food.

These mountains of frosting were at REALLY COOL FOODS up the street from Dylan's on 3rd Avenue.
I found the perfect mini cupcake while having soup at David Burke in Bloomindales. I asked if they had any and they ran downstairs and produced this lovely little cake. Just the right proportion of icing to cake and the right fit for my tiny tea tray and tea set!
Beautiful cupcakes on FLICKRSadly the three cupcakes I bought last Sunday are long gone. So I've been feeding myself on Flickr's many divine samples.
Why are the best cupcakes in Australia or South Africa is what I would like to know!?


  1. Ooh la la and yum! So glad to know you are up and about. These are fantastique.
    All best, Jan

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    So glad you are back today! I missed breakfast yesterday! :-)

  3. Yes I missed breakfast too. and WOW these paintings and photos are amazing. Love it all. Glad you're better.

  4. PS. I forgot to mention how great that shine is on the silver tray. It really looks like silver.

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Your paintings are delicious, especially that silver tray. BTW, the best cupcake I have EVER had was from Magnolia's in NYC.

  6. I haven't tasted cupcakes before I came to NYC. My reference i sstill Magnolia Bakery, close to my home. However, I have to admit that I really prefer PH cakes and macarons.

  7. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Here's some cupcakes for you!

  8. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Glad to hear you're feeling somewhat better, Carol. I love cupcakes, and could easily eat all of these you have here. Your silver tray is lovely, as others have already commented!

  9. Mmmmm...your cupcakes look so yummy!! I recently painted one to post for my blog birthday, but I like yours better. It has more frosting - my favorite part!! I see the secret is to make sure you have several references on hand. I won't make that mistake again. ;)

  10. mmm, cupcakes....hope you are feeling better.

  11. Anonymous7:26 PM

    C'est vrai - our cupcakes in Oz are v g.
    But I imagine the PH treats are exceptional, especially if Fred has anything to do with it!
    Still awaiting a sample box here in Sydney, mate!
    j x
    ps love your work carol: très mignonne

  12. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Here in Australia, cup cakes (and lamingtons) are an artform!

    Have you seen Butterfly cakes?

    My mum used to make these when we had visitors :-)

    Easy to do, and sooo yummy!

  13. I could go for a cup cake right now...but then by morning I would weigh more.

  14. Cupcakes and gummi bears...mmm mmm! I think you make both look better than the real thing. And that's no easy feat.

    Meilleurs voeux!!

  15. Are those top ones from Crumbs??

    Once again, a gorgeously delicious post--merci beaucoup!

  16. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Do you know my first word was cupcake? Yes, I believe I pronounced is something like: cuh-cayck. My second word was hotdog (hahtdah). Thought you would appreciate this one. Bises, Ms. Glaze

  17. Hi CAKESPY - all the cupcakes in the post are from at 150 E. 59th street in Bloomingdales. They aren't even on display. I just asked and they produced what I thought was the nicest looking cupcake I yet to encounter in NYC! But I like my cupcakes pretty and not excessive like large or over-iced. So what do I know!?

    cityfarmer - we would all weigh so much more if any of ParisBreakfasts was not virtual but REAL!

    /ANNE - I can't get over how Oz & NZ have figured out the cupcake so much better than in the US -delicate, beautiful, really a work of artistry! And yes I have seen the Butterfly cakes! FAB

    Anne Corrons - Anne it's almost sacriledge to mention Pierre Herme in the same sentence as the cupcake. You would never say muffin and Pierre Herme.. oranges and apples.

    lvetopaint - I have to admit I have not ventured into Magnolia's. It's on my agenda if I am do this right. THANKS!

  18. I really like those paintings!


  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I fear your cold has clouded your thinking. Please do not jump to hasty conclusions regarding who makes the best (especially for something important like cupcakes) without first sampling them.. ... I'm sure your Flickr contacts would oblige...


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