
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Big Apple...

LET'S GO Put away your maps PB readers.
Let me be your guide to New York's FAB Xmas decorations!
The big snowflake at 57th and 5th avenue First we start at the corner of 57th street and 5th avenue with the BIG snowflake.
I heard people behind me saying,
"There's Dior, Channel, Gucci - where do you wanna go?"
There's also Bergdorfs and Tiffanys and Nike and Disney and, and, and...
Decorations are BIG in the Big Apple...
BIG red Xmas balls on 6th Avenue..
I liked these big green ball trees...
In front of florist Renny & Reed on 505 Park Avenue.
Very BIG nut crackers line this block on 6th Avenue.
Note the human standing to the right of the nut cracker's hand.
Very BIG indeed.
The BIG lite-up tree at RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL!
Back to 57th and 5th to look at Tiffanys decorations..
We'll see more Tiffanys tomorrow. And Bergdorfs, and..and...and...


  1. LOVE it! Thank you for putting up those pictures - I won't be coming back to NYC for Christmas unfortunately, and missed all the decor this year. All the more reason why NYC is the best place for Christmas!

  2. Fiiiiiiirst!Thanks so much, Carol!It's wonderful!The last one...oh lala!

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Oh YAY
    Some no-calorie food for the senses!


  4. LOVE this post - love these decorations - especially the green trees ...

    Thanks for sharing

  5. Brrrr, baby it's cold outside! But really , really festive. Wow, what a nifty treat! And they say things are big in Texas, hmph. NYC has them beat. Classic, the Radio Music Hall. Fab photos! More more..
    All best, Jan

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    New York is the BEST for Xmas windows! can not be beat...even Paris is way behind.

  7. WOW. Sparkle Plenty. Is that inside Tiffanys in the last frame? WOW. Can't wait for the other pictures.

  8. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Thanks for the pics of NY, Carol--haven't been in a long time, and used to live up there and go all the time. I love those big green balls as trees! Those are great--never saw those before! And always loved the red balls on 6th Ave--aren't they like a fountain? Fun to see all these and reminisce. NY is such a neat place over the holidays especially...thanks for taking me there again! (my mom's friend used to be a Rockette,and her daughters both were, too! so we went to see the big Christmas show at Radio City every year--cracks me up...;))

  9. CRIS
    that is just a window shot!
    Exquisite no?
    I'll take a "stealth" shot of the inside..

  10. NYC is the best at Christmas!

  11. No one does Christmas like the Big Apple!!! Thanks for the tour!

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for giving us a big Christmasy bite of the Big Apple. Yum. Perfect start to the day...when will I get my Christmas cards out!!!


  13. That's one of the best things about New York - BIG.
    I love your photos. What sort of nut do those nutcrackers crack?
    I want some of those ball trees outside my cottage.

  14. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Oh, I love your NY Christmas reports. Last year's were to die for. Thank you!!!

  15. You have such a great eye. Your pictures of New York city are very Parisian.

  16. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Beautiful post today.
    I will be in NYC between Christmas and New Years and will try to faithfully follow your guide to the best holiday displays!

  17. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Thank you for the Joy you send to us 5 days a week - you put the
    Energizer bunny to shame.
    My Very Best Wishes for a Happy Festive Season.

  18. Merci! I very much enjoyed seeing the sights of NYC during Christmas season! Whoah! Those green ball trees are quite enchanting and those nutrackers are awesomely big! What fun to see!

  19. Exquisite YES!
    Did you see Cory Amero's home in the new Victoria magazine? WOW. Its the Jan/Feb issue.

  20. OOPS.. spelt her name last wrong.. Amaro

  21. OMG! I must get myself to NYC for the holidays!

  22. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Claes Oldenberg eat your heart out! Or maybe Paul Bunyan... My sister spends a week in NYC every year at Christmas, and now I see what she's been talking about!

  23. I miss New York!
    We used to live on 23rd St
    Thanks for the wonderful visit.
    We are currently living Marrakech which is quite different

  24. one thousands tahnks for sharing New York with us. Merci mille fois.

  25. *sigh* New York at Christmas. Such a dreamy time to be there.

    Hoopefully next Christmas I'll get to see all these decorations first hand.


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