
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Paul Boulangerie

Boulangerie PAUL watercolor - Paris Breakfasts This last trip I visited beaucoup de boulangeries.Boulangerie PAUL - Paris BreakfastsMaybe 5-6 plus one in Marseilles.Boulangerie PAUL watercolor - Paris BreakfastsPaul Boulangerie has their still life set ups in their windows.Boulangerie PAUL - Paris Breakfasts
Boulangerie PAUL watercolor - Paris BreakfastsParis croissants — Paul BoulangerieBoulangerie PAUL - Paris BreakfastsThey make a gazillion croissants everyday.Boulangerie PAUL - Paris BreakfastsHere's another Paul boulangerie nature morte/still life.
Boulangerie PAUL - Paris BreakfastsA petit dejeuner still life menu...
Boulangerie PAUL - Paris Breakfasts Boulangerie PAUL - Paris Breakfasts Boulangerie PAUL - Paris BreakfastsBon Breakfast!


  1. We used to live down the street from Paul's when we lived in Rabat. That was our neighbordhood joint and where we bought our bread daily. Now that we live in Marrakech we make our own bread but there is a new Paul's opening here. Yippee! Their sesame baguettes and almond filled croissants are the best!

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Good morning!
    Lovely to wake up to a nice breakfast of croissants and instructions how to kiss (right side first)...very helpful. What is the sweet little French name for two kisses? I've heard it...but can't remember.

    Thank you for a beautiful post.

  3. Of course, I have not had breakfast yet, so this post ..oh! It looks divine and makes my tummy grumble! I do love the sweet still lives you showed also! I recall being enchanted by the Pauls (was it in the 6th e?) and how they had it set up there so lovely! Poster Maryam...ooh..sesame baguetts and almond crossants..those do sound tres excellent!

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Excellent research this morning!
    A French lesson, French manners, and lovely accompanying croissants etc. I love studying the price list of the all the breads they have too - I'll be better prepared for next trip!

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I'm looking down at my cereal box this morning and think I could have done better...
    So much better with PAUL croissants, pains au chocolate, briochettes, butter, PAUL jam, freshly squeezed orange juice and PAUL coffee...
    Whatever was I thinking?

  6. Hmmm, now have a strangely strong craving for buttery croissants and more french lessons...notes to to Paul's now! Ask Carol, " If I am left- handed, do I still have to start on the right when I kiss someone in France???? And what is the penalty for starting on the left? Do it over and over until I get it right?.... addendum: go to France and test left handed kissing:)
    Great natures mortes!

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "Don't clean your teeth at the table!" too funny--gee, thanks for that reminder, Carol! I'll have to keep that in mind. ;))
    Lovely post--I always enjoy a good still life and you are a master of that magic triangle that makes for a good one. These are all great! Really liked your fork, by the way, in that watercolor!

  8. "Ce gâteau est sans calories, n’est-ce pas?"

    That's the line I need to know!

    I wonder if Paul has shops in Florida because of the francophone population? It is the most popular "snowbird" destination for Quèbecois.

  9. Anonymous10:17 AM

    lovely blog as usual; almost as good as being at Paul's for my breakfast!

  10. Another wonderful post this morning. A nice wake up post. ;)
    I love the first painting you did with that cool white tea pot. I love the shape of it. Of course all your paintings are great but I really like the first one. I love the PAUL paper place mat under the the tea set toward the last few pictures too.

  11. This is the first time I have ever really felt my mouth water as I looked at pictures. I could smell and taste that croissant. You are the pre-eminent site for French food porn! Beautiful post, as always.

  12. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I live in Florida all winter...I have to find one of these places!

  13. I think I'll have to stop visiting your blog--I gain two pounds every time I scroll through your lovely pictures and paintings!

  14. Beautiful, I love croissants! You make me travel and dream!!! Thanks Gloria

  15. Thank you, THANK you for writing about Paul's! My friend and I ate breakfast quite a few times there (in the Latin Quarter) during our visit. Delicious!

  16. We have Paul's here too :) Love their petit de jeuner. :)

  17. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Ah, the still lifes! Somehow, the stolen shots seem sweeter...why do people object? And those croissants...I'm rushing out to find out just where in Florida I might find Paul's. Merci! Au revoir!

  18. oh may oui! my daughters mother-in-law is French is reading your blog is so interesting..thank you i will be back and must add you to my fav eye candy list!

  19. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Thanks for reviving a good memory--one that I think of every day when I look at the "Paul" watercolor you painted for me after my trip to Paris with my daughter earlier this year. She has the second watercolor in her kitchen and mentions it often. Melissa

  20. Gosh! Your post leaves me hankering for Paul! I visited my sister a few summers ago in London, where Paul also has a few boutiques. From what I know, they make the best pastries and coffee in London. I miss it so much!!!

  21. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I visit sometimes PAUL to get some nice pastries here. As far as I know, we have at least 3 PAULs in the central Tokyo.
    I found another branch when I was at the airport in Holland! It must be really worldwide.
    It is nice to visit the link to learn French you mentioned. I have bookmarked it.
    Thanks a lot.

  22. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Ah! Finally, one I have actually been to! I'm so glad it makes your list! I went to one in London and was simply amazed!! A most beautiful croissant the likes of which I've never found in my corner of the world! Love your blog!

  23. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Remember :
    4 kisses in Paris
    2 kisses in Lyon and East of France
    3 kisses in South

  24. Anonymous1:47 AM

    I live in Qatar and thankfully we have Paul's here! ohlalala can't get enough of their strawberry cheesecake!


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