
Friday, July 06, 2007

La Charlotte de l'Isle

More rats / souris today. Well chocolate rats only.

More Paris cafes

And more HOT CHOCOLATE with Corey of Tongue in Cheek. At La Charlotte de l'Isl 24, rue Saint-Louis-en-l'Isle 75004
This is a tiny shop with limited hours - 2 to 8 PM. Only open on Thursday through Sunday. And why not? When you visit a wizard's parlor, you don't expect regular hours.

A lovely tulip bouquet next to the cash register.

Our table...This picture is courtesy of the La Charlotte de l'Isle website. Merci!

The divinely thick hot chocolate And served like no other in Paris. In perfect Japanese tea bowls with a Moroccan-style pitcher.

La Charlotte de l'Isle is famous for it's antique chocolate molds. I didn't see any milk chocolate at all. We were so satisfied with the big pitcher of hot chocolate we forgot to buy anything.

And to end. MORE RATS. Nibbling on candied orange peel. Attached to a big blob of dark chocolate.
Happy Breakfast 


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    If I am not mistaken Carol, I had one of the best croissants ever in this cafe! But next time I will have to try the hot looks divine! But I must say...I don't know if I could look that rat in the eye and bite it's head off...funny I'm ok if it's a bunny! :)

  2. Interesting MY MELANGE
    There's quite a bit of controversy about where you begin to eat a chocolate rabbit..
    The ears is the preferred method.
    Chocolate rats has yet to be determined :)

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Couldnt help myself. The French will make chocolate into anything wont they!!?? Goodness.

    Lovely post today.

    My cousin just wrote me about a July 4th party she went to on Wednesday that served FROZEN HOT CHOCOLATE. ?? I have never heard of it but with the temps in the 90ies right now it sounds much better then hot anything. ;-)

    Cris in OR

  4. oooooooooh my! That hot chocolate looks so good...even though it's so hot in California!

    oh...and I'll just be taking that Moroccan-style pitcher home with me!

    Great pictures!!

  5. Now I'm all for wonderful chocolat shops like this one especially as it shares it's name with my little Parisian daughter and I really don't mind a cup of thick hot chocolat but eating a rat - NON!
    Finally - I now know why it is always shut when ever I pass it.

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Those Rats and that Mermaid make me extreemly happy!

  7. Hi..

    Correction: I found your site from Merisi's site, and her site is listed with David McMachon's authorblog!


  8. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Madame is closed for the summer as a tearoom and will be back in business in September (she closed at the beginning of July). Meanwhile, her assistant operates the place as a Sri Lankan restaurant...

  9. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Pretty shop, romantic and delicious!

  10. oh my, is that not the cutest ever shop? magical, it really looks like that! And, although rats are NOT my fav, ever, these look really cute!

  11. Ahh Carol, one must eat the rat's tail first, my dear. :-D

    I must confess that as much as I love chocolate I do not think I would be able to eat these chocolate rats!

  12. It seems that there is a call for a statistical study next time in Paris on the most desirable chocolate animals:
    Bunnies, hens, squirrels, owls, pigs playing the trombone, eggs...
    I'm afraid the rats will come at the end of this list unless RATATOUILLE can do something for their despised reputation...

  13. Of COURSE there is no milk chocolate here. This is one of my favorite places in Paris. I love it.

  14. Regardless of the success of RATATOUILLE, I still would have to work at wanting to eat a chocolate rat... yikes!

  15. Anonymous2:36 AM

    I have just came across your nice website when I was googling.
    I have read some of your posts in the past and enjoyed your beautiful watercolours, they got me interested in making some comment.
    That cafe looks lovely and cosy...I found it interesting that the hot chocolate is served in Japanese tea bowl :)
    Those chocolates look also cute. I like it very much. We have no such cute cafes in Tokyo...

  16. I'm so trying not to drool all over myself... yum.

  17. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Now this is my kind of cafe! Chocolate rats, antiques and atmosphere!!! Oh La La... Will you paint a rat???

  18. I think I could enjoy these type of rats~how clever the French continue to be-God bless them!A place I must not miss on my next visit! thanks !

  19. Rats.....unfortunately I associate them with NYC subways! Not with chocolate. Maybe if I close my eyes....I wonder if you can buy them here in the city, Carol?
    Great posts!!!!

  20. Thanks for posting these lovely Paris photos. It felt like a mini vacation via the web. Enjoy your delicate touch with the watercolors.

  21. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I went in search of Charlotte's in the summer of 2000 with another art professor. Had read about in Lonely Planet Paris. The hot chocolate was so good I thought I was on drugs. And we lucked on the hours - a wonderful old French woman was playing the piano with all the enthusiasm of Mozart. The experience was incredible - we brought a flute professor there the next year when I took a group of art students. I still dream of the hot chocolate and can't wait to return.

  22. My wife and I visited Paris last July (2009) and we were fortunate to find La Charlotte de l'Isle. We could even have dinner there, because in July and August they prepaire delicious Sri Lanka meals. If not, you can taste their delicious chocolates and teas ...


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