
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Les Comptoir Richard

When you arrive in Paris on a Monday morning, be prepared for many shops to be closed. Fortunately Les Comptoirs Richard keeps 1 of their 6 shops open for just such an emergency! Boutique La Fayette - Paris 9 ème 10, rue Lafayette
It was my 1st visit, so I didn't know what to expect from a Paris coffee boutique...But their window told me I would not be disappointed

The LES COMPTOIRS shops come under the umbrella of Cafes Richard, who supply Paris' many cafes and restaurants with coffee.

Even so, inside they have tea, chocolate bars, hot chocolate, and coffee of course. Plus everything you could dream of to make them. Cookies too.

And those adorable Petal cups I wrote about before I left...well you can buy them here, plus the exact same cups you'll see in any Paris cafe. They have a gazillion kinds of tea - you choose from the blackboard.

And coffee beans from everywhere ground fresh for you.

Could you PLEASE open up in New York City!!!


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Another cool painting. How do you keep coming up with such fresh ideas? That special twist on a regular subject.

    Cris in OR

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Looks like a neat shop, for sure! Lots of neat french presses there, too. I've been wanting to paint mine . Great colors!

  3. Oh I have been in one of these shops. The smell is divine. I have to be forcibly removed every time. Love that painting today

  4. It does have that seducive scent of coffee beans from the moment you walk in the door...sigh..

  5. How do you decide it's time to leave? I think I would be stuck inside these shops forever.

  6. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Is it bad that during yoga and meditation today I visualized a miniature version of myself diving into the coffee bean display and burrowing in the fragrant, oily beans like a mole?

    I really - REALLY - want a cup of rich coffee right now (french pressed with heated milk in my big ol' cafe au lait bowl)! *sigh*

  7. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Yes! Everything one needs conveniently located. Pull up a chair and breath deeply...

    Meilleurs voeux!!

  8. Congratulations for your blog! it's a gem. I'm french, from Paris, and I have to say that when I was in NY for an internship, I missed those places so bad. I like Starbucks, but it's just different lol. Your blog is such a pleasure to watch, and it's refined and creative. It's good to introduce those little paradises to people all around the world. My favorite place is Ladurée, and I'm an Ispahan lover too. My favorites chocolates are by far Patrick Roger (still a newcomer though). If I had to recommand a less famous place, it would be "le jardin d'hiver" at the Hotel Le Meurice. ;o)

    (my fashion blog)

  9. Oh those coffee beans must have smelled amazing!

  10. LOVE the painting. The colors, the composition. Beautiful.

  11. What a coincidence! When we were in France last week, we noticed "Café Richard" for the first time in most spots where we had coffee! They had so nice espresso-cups (and we took photos of them because it's the name of our dance-class-teacher, who orignially is french)
    Best regards from Germany, Monika

  12. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Oh those cups! Ils sont tres adorables, oui!
    Must go to France, must go to France...

  13. Thank you, Merci, Danke!
    I was surprised to see cafes exactly next to each other serving the same coffee - Cafes RICHARD.
    It's like air..everywhere in Paris :)

  14. tha watercolour...I love it! specially the cup!

  15. I love your photos and watercolor!

  16. Anonymous8:15 AM

    The highlights on the watercolor cup and saucer are great!
    And I like the Florio cup and vanilla packet--nice!

  17. adoro esse blog, espero ansiosa todos os dias por novos posts...carmen nistal do brasil

  18. I'm in Paris for vacation. I love this tea! I stumbled across your blog. Thanks for the information.


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