
Friday, February 09, 2007

*Le Leche-Vitrine..

Gerard Mulot My nose is forever pressed Against a French shop window.
Gerard Mulot

I didn't go inside I felt shy...

When I think of how I passed on by... Some of the best, I almost get depressed. Gerard Mulot

But back at home I can pretend To go in the door Of that French store.

I look again

At pictures taken then.

Inside I go.

The curtain lifts, Begin the show. There is no snow...Gerard Mulot's chestnut gateau

*Le leche-vitrine means literally in French to lick the windows.

But figuratively it's an expression for window shopping...

BTW, I went many times into Patisserie Gerard Mulot, mostly to look....


  1. Confession - I am a sniffer not a licker. I lurk in Parisian chocolate shops and sniff the air. There's nothing like the smell of good chocolate.

  2. That Moulet Gateux beige cake looks to DIE for! Is that a dried apple slice used as garnish?

    BTW - the New Years Eve in Paris post is up! But it's really not that exciting ;)

  3. Mmmm... my favourite kind of window shopping.

  4. If ever there was a time not to be shy...this is it.
    Don't be shy, eat the pie!

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    OH MY...drooling here. You need to paint that chocolate cake thing with the ..what are they..big Raspberries..? ..on the top. WOW. That looks good enough to eat and paint. ;-)

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    "Le leche-vitrine:" What a wonderful expression. Those cakes and sweets look divine.

  7. Bakeries are like museums for the masterpieces of pastries!

  8. I can gain weight looking at them! I saw very similar confections at the Boulanger Patisserie in Versailles last Oct. The eclairs were to die for!

  9. Such lovely pictures! Your blog is always so, if only I had a bakery like that around the corner. Only in Paris...

  10. gee-wiz, these are great shots-wonderful window shopping!

  11. Lick the windows - yes! I'm afraid the apparent delectableness would overcome residual shyness... These look incredibly wonderful.

  12. Anonymous5:16 AM

    every one a work of art. Yum.

  13. Oh help!! I think I died and went to heaven! Those cakes look like they belong there, and I bet they taste that way too.

    You have awfully strong will-power to not cave, duck in and buy just one slice...or two. Especially those eclairs. I'm a sucker for eclairs. Sigh!!

  14. See, my problem is my other self takes over and I end up entering the shop...and ordering pastry after pastry...
    Nice poem!

  15. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Where do you go running after all these wonderfull pastries ?

    Very nice picture, now I wonder if I will not have a quick round back to my baker !

  16. just have to go to 75, rue de Seine.
    AND you don't have to take a plane to get there...

  17. Anonymous2:11 PM


    Love your blog . . . I've done a few "head butts" myself, embarrassingly. Sometimes I just want to crawl right THROUGH the window, I get so intent on wanting to just eat the whole thing...but then I wake up, Cheers, Robin K

    PS Are you coming to Paris in Jan/Feb in 2010? I will be there and thought we could meet again and maybe go have lunch together?


Love hearing from you