
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Chocolate Dips

There seems to be a lot of dipping going on at these chocolate events and good thing too. What could be nicer than to enhale and see molten chocolate? This fruit stick dipped at the Chocolat Weiss stand #75 tasted out of this world... The Cote D'Ivoire stand at #72 was pouring/smothering (not dipping) hot chocolate on top of 1/2 a banana - one of the tastiest bites at the NY show! Here, the pot of melting chocolate. You can see the hunks of solid chocolate in the process of dissolving... In Paris, Cote D'Ivoire served up sliced pineapple smothered in hot chocolate :) The Mexican stand in Paris demonstrated using a wooden molé(?). Then you dipped chunks of bread in the sauce... Heck I'm not sure what this thing is? Help me out here :) In Paris they were what looked like little rolled up cookies... It tasted incredible and melted instantly in your mouth.

Fancy professional chef dipping at the Paris Salon du Chocolat. The Michel Cluizel stand was set up to show how chocolates are made.Dipped dried fruit from LA Burdick - I've tasted their dark chocolate-dipped pears at Takashimaya's Tea Box in NY...very wonderful! 


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Not fair showing us this 1st thing in the morning :(
    Chocolates for breakfast anyone?

  2. Simply amazing really... :o)

  3. What a beautiful mortar and pestle set! I encountered a mole (moLAY, mexican sauce or stew) that uses chocolate as an ingredient for the first time in the novel "Like Water for Chocolate". Wanted to taste one ever since.
    Have you ever tasted chocolate with hot chili peppers? I found it in Rome last summer and even here in Vienna, the Zotter company uses it in one of their hot chocolate concoctions. Adictive. ;-)


    That link will tell you all about the implement in question, called a molinillo. I love your blog -- it just gets better and better each day.

  5. Yum!!! I love things dipped in chocolate - what great examples.

    And I second the recommendation for chocolate with hot chili pepper (ancho chilis, in my experience). Dagoba makes the most amazing hot chocolate with chilis and cinnamon - "Xocolatl" is the name. Based on old Aztec recipes. Ok - I'm going to have to go find something chocolate to eat...

  6. This is a very dangerous blog...x-rated for those on a diet;-) Mmmmmmmm I loved the pictures and I am very Chocolate hungry now, do you have any in excess :-) I could eat a Cote D'Ivoire now!

  7. Chocolate! Yummy! I love the dresses too! Wouldn't mind the raincoat looking at the weather today.


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