
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Pretty Paris Boxes

open and ready for tasting There's a tremendous fuss made over the candy box in France and I'm very glad of it. It's not merely a square box with a lid and bottom.
in the window of Cacao et Chocolat on rue de Seine There's much more involved. It's an architectural wonder with popup leaves and windows and layers and so forth. No imagination is spared coming up with these "jewel boxes". I envision men in white coats fussing about with bits of cardboard in the lab creating these many sizes and shapes waiting to be filled with chocolate And you can choose the box design appropriate for the occasion. These little darlings from Marquise de Sevigne, are waiting, perhaps for the mother of a new born babe..? A tiny bit resembling diapers...HmmmLadurée's window of candy boxes Can anyone compete with Ladurée's aray of shapes, sizes and variety in box design? I doubt it. Their designer must be the Yves St. Laurent of candy box couture...a bright turquoise box from Patrick Roger on Blvd St. Germain This chic turquoise box comes from Patrick Roger . An intensely orange slipcase slides over the blue box...striking.from La Mere du Famille French branding (IMO) is about ribbons, past-on stickers and whymsical boxes. Not giant billboards that knock you over or your car on the highway. And don't forget those signature sacs (bags). Pink is a favored color for Paris boxes but black too is popular. You're probably thinking, Hmmm...I'm more interested in the contents of that box.
We once had chocolate inside...I brought home this pile of candy boxes, and I have another bag full of brand name ribbons. They have no sell-by date. One shop can have 2-3 different signature brand ribbons on offer. They only make these in France as far as I can tell. I've often thought how nice to have a ribbon 🎀 with Paris Breakfasts name on it. If I knew where to order them, I would tout suite...


  1. I am completely obsessed with the Ladurée boxes, especially the ones with the pooches on! I am so infatuated that I would probably buy chocolates for myself just so I could keep the box on my desk and stare at it all day long!

  2. l'embrouillamini I'm in complete agreement. After a week of buying these beauties, it was the outer box that enthraled me, not the contents. I'd had too much chocolate by then :)

  3. That turquoise box is to die for!! WOWZA!!! And I LOVE the chocolate with the bites -- how did you catch me in the act??? LOL

  4. Oh I see the maison de chocolat, famous brown box with brown ribbon...those chocolats know my name, they call it every time I walk by their shop!
    When are you going to sell chocolates on your blog sweet one?

  5. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Carol, if you just google *custom printed ribbons* you'll find a list of companies that specialize in just that! I've never had them made, but have heard from friends that it's quite easy to order.

    I still have the chocolate box and ribbon from a favorite chocolatier in Lyon. Your post today brings back memories!

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I once saw a kitchen article with a woman who collected 'vintage' candy and chocolate boxes. The French have had a monopoly on design for years and years! Your collection is very sophisticated...

  7. Well done you. So getting up at dark o'clock doesn't stop you coming up with gems like this?

  8. Here's a starter link for you. Personalized ribbon at weddings is pretty pupular, so most wedding places should be able to hook you up with a printer as well.

    Though I'm not sure why printing a couples name on everything is considered a good party favor...

  9. European packaging has always been such a pleasure to me. These chocolate boxes are gorgeous!
    But in Italy they also wrap pastries and cakes on a cardboard tray and a cardboard or clear heavy plastic sleeve. That way you can see the delicates pastries all the way home! And they also use stickers and ribboms on lots of packaging.
    Great reminder of the finer, smaller things in life!

  10. Name Maker looks good. I THINK I used them before...but it was a few years ago and the website looks different. Anyhoo, now I want my own ribbon! For no reason! (In case I do make my own baked goods and want to package them nicely? I went to a baking supply store just to get those nice cellophane bags once, haha.)

  11. Anonymous7:35 PM

    What a beautiful blog. Wow. Loving every delicious bite!

  12. You are right! I love these boxes! I collect them.........:) and the way you paint them.

  13. Nice paris boxes. I like all the designs.


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