
Friday, September 01, 2006

My Venice

Venice Docks, Watercolor, 4" x 6 1/4" Everyone has a 'my Venice'. One visit and we fall hard.

San Marco, watercolor, 4" x 12 1/2"
One friend is in Venice right now for 2 weeks before she goes on to Paris for 2 weeks - the best of both worlds. Another friend is going just to Venice for 3 weeks! And she doesn't even paint! This is not fair.
San Marco Sillouette, watercolor, 3 1/2" x 6 1/2"
I went back to Venice 9 years ago just for 1 day while I was at the Verona Vinitaly wine fair. It's a short 1 1/2 hours away by train.
Santa Maria Majori, watercolor, 4" x 6"
I was lucky to have an architect student sit down next to me and she was staying in Venice for 3 months. Anyway fortunately for me, she was a bit short of change. I helped her out and in doing so got the best of guides for my very short visit. She knew the history and aesthetics of every palazzo and canal bridge. She showed me the secret Venice.
Venice Melange, watercolor, 4" x 11 1/2"
I went back for 3 days a few years later- not long enough. Then 2 years ago I managed to stay 5 days while the Turner Venice watercolor show was on. An unbeatable combination.
There's a small very nice hotel, Hotel Mignon in Carneggio you might look into if you're going. Every hotel in Venice is small and the rooms are all very small, unless you happen to be friendly with a palazzo-owner..But who stays in their hotel room in Venice? It makes no sense. A Venice Card is door to 10 museums and all the rides you want on the Vaporetto for a week. Brek Ristorante is a terrific chain of cafeterias with farm-fresh food. You help yourself to local wines straight from the tap. Just a few steps to the right of the train station.                           Gondoliers, watercolor, 4" x 6 1/4"
Oh and don't forget to take your art materials. They can be quite pricy in Venice unless you want to spring for one of those hand-made marbelized sketchbooks you may never use, but treasure be continued.


  1. Laura from Laurelines introduced me to your site and I have been drooling on my keyboard ever since! What fantastic artwork -- I could EAT every one of your paintings of sweets ... absolutely glorious!

  2. I have a trip to Europe all planned: a week on a houseboat rambling amongst the islands of Venice, then a train ride across Italy for another week in a rented apartment in Rome. If only I could paint!

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Your Venice blog is fantastic. So many things have reminded me of Venice the last few days, and I started a Venice blog entry myself yesterday :-) Hope to post it tomorrow.

  4. Your life is so much fun!

  5. I really want to learn watercolor now. Venice... sigh...I was there 6 years ago, time to revisit my ancestral birthplace!

  6. ah of the most beautiful sights is supposed to be when piazza san marco is flooded then it snows. lines of white criss-crosses the dark water early in the day.

  7. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Radiant sketches, PB. You were born to be a watercolorist. D'you know, I've never been to Venice. I can't pull myself away from France long enough ;D.

  8. OMG Laura!!! There's a very nice overnite train to Venice - you could go for the day! It's how I met Barbara, the cellist (we shared a couchette from Venice to Paris). And she goes every year just to paint watercolors!!! YOU HAVE TO GO!

    I would like Venice to be MY ancestral birthplace...

    Venice in the snow...Narthex-that is a lovely image

    Hmmm...I think I'll do a Venice watercolor workshop & get you all to come :)

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Carol...Do let us all know when you finally step through the back end of that closet of yours (stumbling over more piles of lush watercolors as you go) and into whatever magical world it is you find there! One morning I got up VERY early and went roaming the back alleys of Venice. Just me and my sketchbook, tons of cats, the rich smells of coffee and goodies wafting from shuttered windows, and my imagination. Mmmmm! Keep on painting and posting!
    S. Jersey Boy

  10. I love this "paints a lovely" picture of Venice. I hope to visit there someday.

  11. I'm still discovering your blog and unique style. The colour segments are quite interesting and different than other blogs. Keep up the creative concepts!

  12. I came in by way of Corey's site and I had fun viewing your creative watercolors and and past posts! A true talent to capture your travels on canvas!Your tour of breakfast in France a delight for my tastebuds! The bagette the croussants the cheese.. mmmmm! Now I am hungry!I enjoyed my visit! :)

  13. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I love your water colors and I'm pretty sure that the water, then paint technique you describe is not as easy as you make it sound : )

  14. these sketches are soooo wonderful! I love the 4th one down, almost all misty watery blue, it gives such a terrific sense of the place, beautifully presented too on the fantastic marble backgrounds!

  15. am I one of your friends in venice? :) I don't paint but my novel is set there...
    I can't stress enough how much I love your watercolors! if I ever finish it and sell the MS maybe you can do the cover!

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Many years ago when I was living in London I went to the Turner Exibition - it was so memorable. I would think Turner Venice would be the same (having been in Venice a few times myself).


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